What We Believe
We believe in ONE GOD expressed in three distinct persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Gen 1:26, John 1:1-5, Matt 28:19, II Cor 13:14)
We believe that God the Father revealed himself to mankind in the person of JESUS the CHRIST. We also believe that He gave His life for ALL people and lives today as our intercessor. (John 3:16)
We believe that the BIBLE is the inspired written account of God's relationship with man and that it is our guidebook for successful living. (II Tim 3:16). Because we believe that God is a living and progressive God, we also believe that when the Biblical Canon was closed, God continued to speak and is still speaking today.
We believe in the ordinance of WATER BAPTISM. Although we do not believe that it is essential to salvation, we do believe in its regenerative power in the life of the believer. We believe it to be a very important act of obedience and an outward expression of an inward spiritual rebirth. (Gal 3:27)
We believe in the ordinance of HOLY COMMUNION and that it serves to heal us and remind us of the loving sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that ALL believers who feel compelled to partake should feel welcome at the table of the Lord (I Cor 10:16-17)
We believe in the power of PRAYER (Matt 21:22, Phil 4:6-7, James 5:13-18)
We believe in celebrating the presence of the Lord by DANCING in His presence. (II Sam 6:16, I Chr 15:29)
We believe that SPEAKING IN TONGUES is a gift from God and should be used to build us up spiritually. (I Cor 14:4-5)
We believe that we were created to WORSHIP AND GLORIFY God (I Cor 10:31, Rom 11:36)
We believe that SALVATION is a gift that is made possible through grace, given freely to all and cannot be earned. (Eph 2:8-9)
We believe in the BEAUTY, VALUE AND CREATIVE POWER of each person. (Psalms 139:14, Gen 1:26)
We believe in the power of GIVING (Luk 6:38, Acts 20:35)
We believe in Soul-Winning by becoming all things to all men. (I Cor 9:19-23)
We believe in the triumphant RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST (1 Thes 4:16-18)